Sponsorship Invitation
On behalf of the Planning Committee of the 21st International Symposium and 13th Conference on Lameness in Ruminants, we would like to invite you to promote your business through an abundance of sponsorship opportunities. The Conference will be held August 1-5, 2022 in Bloomington, Minnesota, USA, bringing together global large and small ruminant experts in hoof health, production systems, animal behavior and hoof care. Previous conferences have attracted up to 300 international delegates attending from academia, research, veterinary practices and leading animal scientists, as well as students, hoof trimmers and animal producers working in the ruminant industry

Why sponsor the Lameness in Ruminants Conference 2022?
- Demonstrate your company’s leadership and commitment to improve hoof health
- Present your products and research to an international audience
- Learn directly from the experts on the latest research developments
- Reach key opinion leaders and raise your company’s visibility in the field
- Network with world opinion leaders and deepen existing relationships
- Inform and update international participants on technological developments
A member of the Planning Committee will be in contact to discuss details
Categories of Sponsorship:
- 3 Complimentary Registrations
- Free 10X20 booth, located in conference lobby
- Company logo on all promotional e-blasts sent in advance of the conference
- Opportunity to introduce keynote speaker
- Live recognition during LIR Conference
- Option for additional in-conference sponsorships to maximize exposure
- Marketing materials in welcome pack
- Mention on affiliated social media platforms
- Logo and link on website and within welcome pack
- Company logo on event signage
- Sponsor decal for booth
- 2 Complimentary Registrations
- Free 10X10 booth, location within tradeshow to be chosen by sponsor (first come, first serve)
- Live recognition during LIR Conference
- Mention on affiliated social media platforms
- Option for additional in-conference sponsorships to maximize exposure
- Marketing materials in welcome pack
- Logo and link on website and within welcome pack
- Company logo on event signage
- Sponsor decal for booth
- 1 Complimentary Registration
- Free 10X10 booth located within tradeshow
- Option for additional in-conference sponsorships to maximize exposure
- Marketing materials in welcome pack
- Logo and link on website and within welcome pack
- Company logo on event signage
- Sponsor decal for booth
- Reduced booth fee of $1000, booth located within tradeshow
- Logo and link on website and within welcome pack
- Company logo on event signage
- Sponsor decal for booth
- 10X10 booth located within tradeshow
- Separate conference registration required
- Welcome Reception $4000
- Breakfast $2000 (3X)
- Lunch $3000 (3X)
- Breaks $2500 (5X)
- Gala Dinner $5000
- Gala Party $5000
- Lanyards $2500 + lanyards (SOLD!)
- Name Badges $2000
- Keynote Speaker $2000 (sponsorship but not introducing them)
- Wi-Fi $2000
- Announcement Screen $2000
- Welcome Bags/Backpack $2500 + bags
- Notebook $500 + notebooks
- Charging Stations $750
- Dairy/Beef/Small Ruminant Track $1500
- USB Sticks $1000 + USB sticks
- Live Translation $1500
- Poster Wall $300
General Terms and Conditions
- Sponsorship items and exhibition spaces are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis
- All sponsorship and exhibition prices quoted are in US dollars
- The Planning Committee reserves the right to accept or decline offers of sponsorship and applications for exhibition space
- The Planning Committee reserves the right to amend the published floor plan should it be felt that such an amendment would benefit the exhibition and the congress as a whole
- The Planning Committee must approve all exhibitions setups
- The Planning Committee cannot accept liability for personal accidents, loss of or damage to property, either during or directly arising from the conference. Participants are advised to issue their own personal travel and health insurance
- All payments must be received before the commencement of the conference . Should a company fail to make the payment, the Planning Committee reserves the right to cancel the company’s participation and benefits
- Additional payment structures and cancellation policies will be outlined in the order form
- All further information is included in the Organizer and Sponsor Agreement